Business Game

“If I listen I forget, if I see I remember, if I do I understand, if I play I learn.”

(Chinese Proverb)

The Business Simulation

Everyone’s life is full of cases where “practice” has been more valuable than theory, but a balance between these two is necessary. The optimum is achieved when experience is combined with theory.
This is the formative logic of Stra-Le’s business simulations.
Our business simulations represent different markets and businesses using the dynamic simulation models.
With the use of simulation, the complexity of reality can be reduced by enabling accelerated and in-depth understanding of theories, mechanisms, decision-making processes, and business and market situations that would otherwise be more difficult and time-consuming to learn. In training processes, simulations facilitate and accelerate the learning of concepts that normally require a lot of effort and time. Simulation can also be used in assessment processes to assess participants’ skills and abilities in the “field.”

The effectiveness of Business Simulation in training

In 1969, Edgar Dale, after several studies, presented the learning cone indicating that a person simulating an experience remembers, 2 weeks later, 90% of what was learned. For this reason, business simulations are much more effective than traditional forms of training because they faithfully replicate business dynamics and allow experimentation between more choices and their effects. This is what makes business simulations dynamic, engaging and suitable for adult education. It is, therefore, a innovative teaching method suitable for objectives of developing managerial, sales and marketing skills.

How Stra-Le’s Business Games Work

Business simulations can be delivered in the classroom or via the Web. Participants in the course or assessment are divided into teams representing the different enterprises competing in the simulated market. The simulation is developed in several decision-making steps each of which represents an economic exercise. At each step, each team makes managerial, economic, and organizational decisions based on specific goals to be achieved. During these decision-making stages, teachers or assessors have the opportunity to observe group dynamics, behaviors and managerial skills such as the ability to know how to lead a team, communicate, make decisions, etc. At the end of each session, the simulator processes the decisions made during the game by providing real-time results for each team. Between sessions, the trainer presents the results and covers some training topics.

To whom it is addressed

In the training field, Stra-Le’s business simulations are addressed to managers, sales and marketing managers and young talents in order to:

  • get people to quickly learn the operating and business models of their enterprises;

  • improve the ability to make effective decisions, understand their effects, and guide choices by sharing one’s businesses’ goals and strategy;

  • improve teamwork skills;

  • develop managerial skills such as strategic analysis and vision or planning.

In the assessment or evaluation area, our Business Games can be used by the personnel function, development, or recruitment companies to select or evaluate managers and young talents.

The benefits of simulation

You learn by simulating through a unique, engaging and dynamic experience

You train to work as a team

Learning processes are effective, fast and experience-based

You effectively understand the impact of decisions on the main variables of an enterprise

Our Online Business Games


To learn techniques and tools of innovation


For human capital management


For the development of managerial skills


For the insurance market


For the industrial market


For the banking


For the food & beverage market

Slide 1
Discover our Business Game Innovation 4.0
Slide 1
Discover the effectiveness of Business Simulation

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