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A training course to learn strategies and techniques for innovation. Tools from Design Thinking and Creativity Boost at the service of the company. Designed and realized in collaboration with Bicocca4Management

A training course to learn strategies and techniques for innovation. Tools from Design Thinking and Creativity Boost at the service of the company. Designed and realized in collaboration with Bicocca4Management

A training course to learn strategies and techniques for innovation. Tools from Design Thinking and Creativity Boost at the service of the company. Designed and realized in collaboration with Bicocca4Management

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“At NASA, failure is not accepted as an outcome. With us, however, it is. Because if things don't fail, it means you're not innovating enough.”

“At NASA, failure is not accepted as an outcome. With us, however, it is. Because if things don't fail, it means you're not innovating enough.”

“At NASA, failure is not accepted as an outcome. With us, however, it is. Because if things don't fail, it means you're not innovating enough.”

(Elon Musk)

(Elon Musk)

(Elon Musk)


What is it?

Innovation to succeed

Do you want to know more about INNOVATION TO SUCCEED? Fill out the form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    This quotation by Elon Musk is a summary of one of the most powerful mechanisms for learning and innovating: the trial-and-error mechanism (try, fail, try again). This course, which adopts the logic and tools of Design Thinking, is built around a sophisticated simulator (business game) developed in collaboration with Bicocca University that, by leveraging on Trial & Error, facilitates and accelerates the learning of the latest managerial techniques for innovation.

    To whom is it addressed?

    This course is addressed to professionals and managers from different business functions. As the topic is of great importance and increasingly central to business strategies, it can be of interest to many roles and functions that want to start a process of growth toward innovation. The educational component, codified and validated by business experts and trainers, makes it effective not only for experienced professionals and managers but also for younger people who have only recently entered the working world. This course based on the Innovation Game presents itself as a bridge between theory and practice, developing awareness, knowledge and skills in participants on the topic of innovation.


    The topics of incremental and radical innovation are covered.

    The development of new products and services

    The design of new business models

    The creation of effective value propositions

    The innovation of distribution channels

    The creation of original communication messages

    The identification of new ways to generate revenue streams

    For radical innovation, emphasis will be placed on organizational variables and on the company’s ability to generate and grow innovation opportunities. For this theme, some elements drawn from Lean Startup notions will be part of the simulation. In addition, some insights will be provided to stimulate creativity, an important factor in innovation.


    Creativity is the spark that lights the flame of innovation; it is what fuels the ability to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and generate disruptive ideas. Creativity is not reserved for a select few – it is a skill that can be cultivated and developed by anyone. In the course, we will offer a combination of theory and practice, with the goal of helping to unlock creative potential and providing the tools needed to cultivate it and fully exploit it. Participants will be guided through innovative methods and approaches to generate ideas, solve complex problems, and create a work environment in which creativity can flourish.

    Design Thinking

    During the course, some tools drawn from DESIGN THINKING will be employed, such as:

    User persona

    Customer journey map

    Business model canvas

    Double diamond

    Open innovation 


    Business Game

    The game is not a management system; rather, it is a training “object”, which should represent, for participants, an experience activating the “trial & error” mechanism of learning. Therefore, the outcome of decisions will strongly penalize mistakes and exceptionally reward good decisions.
    Like all Stra-Le’s Business Games, a number of soft skills are also trained, which fit perfectly with the competitive and educational spirit of the game. Leadership, team working, decision making, and problem solving are fundamental skills for every present and future manager. Improvement in individual skills comes from discussion and debate within the working group, geared toward achieving concrete and measurable innovation goals.

    Course content

    4 days dedicated to innovation

    Day 1

    • Innovation: the key element in building competitive advantages
    • Introduction to innovation
    • Incremental and radical innovation
    • Design thinking for product and service innovation
    • Introduction to the game
    • First team decision-making step with the innovation game (innovation decisions)
    • Debriefing of simulation results

    Day 2

    • Business model innovation
    • Digital business models
    • Case history
    • Second team simulation
    • Analysis and debriefing of innovation results and decisions
    • Innovation and strategy

    Day 3

    • What creative thinking is
    • Techniques to develop creativity
    • Narration and storytelling
    • New media for innovation
    • Third team simulation
    • Analysis and debriefing of innovation results and decisions

    Day 4

    • Innovation and investment
    • Case History on productive investment and innovation
    • Radical innovation
    • Strategy for radical innovation
    • Fourth simulation with radical innovation
    • Analysis and debriefing of innovation results and decisions
    • Conclusions

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