The strategic planning process, much in vogue in the 1990s, has undergone a major overhaul in recent years of uncertainty and swirling acceleration.
What matters more now is the ability to imagine the future in a continuous flow, to change course, and to transform strategic thinking into “meaning” for one’s work and for one’s team .
Making “sense” is a fundamental task for a leader, but without the ability to envision the future and make it viable it remains an exercise without utility.
This course aims to develop the skills of:
- quickly frame and determine the key factors for the future of their organization ;
- Developing imagination and strategic thinking;
- Making thinking flat;
- Make the plan “make sense” for yourself and your team.
The course is aimed at managers and entrepreneurs who want to develop their strategic and leadership skills.
Becoming aware of the importance of strategic thinking
Frame the strategy in the new global context, characterized by exponential laws of technological development and swirling changes
In this context, defining the purpose of strategic planning for a leader as generating meaning and driving motivation
Know how to distinguish between content and planning tools
Know and know how to use the tools of strategic planning from the most classic to the most current
Know how to make and produce a current strategic plan
Knowing how to communicate the strategy to different target audiences
- What is meant by strategic thinking;
- Purpose and characteristics of strategic planning;
- Strategic planning today, comparison with the past (1980s – 2000s – today) and framing in the current context;
- Strategic analysis;
- From analysis to hypothesis and policy options;
- Methods for developing strategic ideas;
- Focus and selection of strategic options;
- Assessment of strategic alternatives – tools for comparison and evaluation;
- From strategic options to strategic plans;
- The role of different types of assets in strategic planning;
- The role of Human Resources-focus on the most important asset;
- From strategic plan to “sense” -how to generate motivation from strategy;
- Strategic communication-target-means and modes.
Two days with practical cases and implementation of a real strategic plan.
Initial case of strategic analysis.
Strategic planning case including: strategic analysis, ideation of strategic options, team evaluation and choice of different options, translation of options into plan, communication of plan to different hypothetical targets (co-workers, funders, bosses).
In closing self-cases – outline setting of the strategic planning process.
A course to acquire the ability to vision, plan and lead in the medium to long term.
By the end of the course people will be able to distinguish operational planning from strategic choices very well.
By the end of the course, people will know how to conduct analyses aimed at medium- and long-term investments and develop alternative strategic options.
A course to acquire the ability to vision, plan and lead in the medium to long term.
By the end of the course people will be able to distinguish operational planning from strategic choices very well.
By the end of the course, people will know how to conduct analyses aimed at medium- and long-term investments and develop alternative strategic options.